Change of name
On January 1st, 2015, Berghotel Aschbach was given a new name. Many of you may be familiar with our hotel and know who we are. There are, however, some of you who do not know us yet and have a completely different idea of who we are because of what the term “Berghotel” (mountain resort or lodge) suggests. “So where exactly in the mountains are you situated? Do we need snow chains for our car? What kind of hiking tours do you offer?” are some of the questions I repeatedly get asked. The term ‘mountain’ dates back to a time in which the old and very steep routeing and configuration of roads was a huge challenge for travellers and their vehicles. Our local hill was even popular destination for skiing. Furthermore, despite the fact that above all we are a guesthouse that welcomes anybody and everybody, some guests also shy away from going out for a meal in a ‘hotel’. Times change and so do we.
Therefore, we set out to find a more fitting name. My family has been cultivating hospitality in Aschbach since 1865. It all started with my great-grandparents’ and grandparents’ farm in the town.
Hence, our hotel will be called Aschbacher ‘Hof’ (also German for ‘farmyard’) from now on.
After 150 years, it is very important to me to place this family tradition of hospitality in the centre of attention even more, as it is what our hearts beat for day after day.
Apart from the name, however, nothing else will change for you, our dear guest. With a lot of dedication, attention to detail and experience, we will continue to make sure that you enjoy your stay to the fullest. And that is exactly what we look forward to!
Yours sincerely,
Rainer Lechner Jr.

Für Sie, liebe Gäste, ändert sich außer dem Namen nichts.Wir alle werden auch weiterhin mit viel Engagement, Liebe zum Detail und Erfahrung dafür sorgen, dass Sie sich rundherum wohlfühlen und genießen können.
Und genau darauf freuen wir uns!
Herzliche Grüße,

Rainer Lechner jun.